vodstvo lastnistvo naslovnica 1

Management and Ownership

Plinarna Maribor je v 100 % lasti družbe Istrabenz plini – Istrabenz plini so v 100 % lasti italijanske družbe SIAD iz Bergama.

Management of Plinarna Maribor



SIAD is one of the most important chemical groups in Italy and supplies a full range of industrial, specialty, food and medical gases, in addition to operating in the following sectors connected with the world of gases: engineering, healthcare, LPG and Natural gas.

Founded in Bergamo in 1927, SIAD boasts a solid tradition and has acquired consolidated experience over its 90 year existence. Over time, it has succeeded in entering new geographic markets and sectors, whilst growing as a flexible and dynamic organisation and guaranteeing the utmost quality, reliability and professionalism.


SIAD Group Sustainability Report 2022

trajnostno porocilo

Plinarna Maribor je kot del Skupine Istrabenz plini in Skupine SIAD zavezana k prizadevanju za trajnostno prihodnost. Trajnostno poročilo Skupine SIAD odraža skupna prizadevanja pri upoštevanju načel gospodarske, družbene in okoljske trajnosti.

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