Bohova Plant
The Bohova Plant is a modern competency center for managing processes with liquefied petroleum gas.
The Bohova Plant is a modern competency center for managing processes with liquefied petroleum gas.
The Bohova plant, as a plant of Plinarna Maribor, is a competence centre for the management of LPG processes, whose mission is safe and uninterrupted management of:
The substantial gas reserves in the Bohova plant’s storage facilities are an important link in the overall supply chain for a sustainable and uninterrupted supply to the population, industry and commerce.
As part of the logistics chain, the railway terminal enables gas to be delivered in the quantities needed in all weather conditions.
We supply tanker trucks with gas to a wide range of customers from Slovenia and abroad using a modern automotive terminal.
The refurbished liquefied petroleum gas cylinder filling centre combines state-of-the-art preparation elements, including washing, filling, weight control, double leak checking and consistent traceability assurance. In addition to its own cylinders, the filling centre also accepts proprietary cylinders from other distributors for filling, which are manufactured in accordance with the SIST EN 1442 standard, both from Slovenia and abroad.
Ensuring compliance of cylinder filling is complemented by our own laboratory for inspection and attestation of LPG cylinders.
The sustainable and “doing good and compliant” orientation of the Bohova plant is demonstrated by ISO 9001, ISO 14001, ISO 45001 in ISO 50001 certifications.
We have obtained an Environmental Permit for all processes at the Bohova plant.
Cylinders are filled in a state-of-the-art filling centre, for which we have obtained a Certificate to prove compliance with ADR 2023 (packing instruction P200), in conjunction with SIST EN 1439:2021. This Certificate proves that the charging centre is properly equipped, properly organised and managed by properly trained staff.
The Cylinder Inspection and Certification Laboratory operates as an internal inspection service. The compliance of our operations with the standard is demonstrated by the EN 1440:2016+A2.2020 certification.
If you need any information and assistance on how to use our products, feel free to contact us
CONTACT US +386 2 22 843 00