03 unp v jeklenkah

The Plindom cylinder – made for households

Opt for gas in Plindom cylinders, which stands for quality. The Plindom cylinder is designed for safe and convenient use in households:
for gas stove, gas heater or grill.

What the Plindom cylinder does for you

The Plindom cylinder has been designed to meet the needs of the modern user and needs in a domestic environment.More

Original filled Plindom cylinder

When buying gas in a Plindom cylinder, pay attention to the protective film on the cylinder valve. The original, filled Plindom cylinder has an undamaged thermostatic protective film mounted on the valve.More


Which cylinder to choose?

If you do not have a Plindom yellow cylinder yet, you can pay a deposit to use the Plindom cylinder free of charge. We will also buy an orange cylinder from you. A variety of Plindom cylinders are available for household and leisure use.

Diverse selection of gas cylinders

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Where to buy gas in Plindom cylinders?

Choose between home delivery or buy gas in a Plindom cylinder at one of more than 900 points of sale across Slovenia. To avoid driving and carrying the cylinder, you can order home delivery by calling +386 80 1248 free of charge.

Points of sale and home delivery


Safe use

The Plindom cylinder is practical for food preparation, sanitary water heating, space heating, gas lamps, camping and even hot air balloons. It is very safe to use if the instructions are followed.

Safe handling of gas in cylinders

Safe replacement and connection of a Plindom cylinder

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04 prazna jeklenka

Returning the cylinder

When your Plindom cylinder is empty, you can exchange it for a full one at our points of sale, and some types of cylinders can be refilled for you. If you no longer need your Plindom cylinder, you can return it and we will return your deposit.

Payment of the deposit for the Plindom cylinder and return of the Plindom cylinders


Have you detected the smell of gas?

Check the measures in case of cylinder leakage. More

Safe replacement and connection of a Plindom cylinder

Check the procedure for replacing and connecting the cylinder. More

Special offers

Have you found everything you needed?

If you need any information and assistance on how to use our products, feel free to contact us

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