naslovnica unp v plinohramih za dom

Help & support –
LPG in bulks

Find out everything you need to know about safely using and maintaining your LPG in bulks, with helpful tips and contacts for support.

Regulations, safety and maintenance

Safety data sheets:

Here are a few tips for safely using LPG in gas storage tanks, as well as some important facts about the gas.

LPG is flammable and there is a risk of fire and explosion. That’s why the installation of the gas chamber and the installation should be entrusted to professionally qualified contractors. It is also important that the gas appliance (heating furnace, hot water boiler, cooker) is installed and tested by an approved service.

You can start using the gas storage tank and the installation only after an acceptance inspection has been carried out by an authorised inspection body.

To ensure safe use, you must have your gas installation inspected annually by a qualified contractor and periodic inspections of the pressure equipment performed at the prescribed intervals.

Use the gas station for its intended purpose and keep it tidy and clean.

We ensure the uninterrupted supply of LPG to your gas storage facilities and the smooth operation of your LPG network.

For advice and assistance, please call our maintenance service from 7.00 to 15.00 from MON to FRI:

In case of an emergency or a gas leak, call our 24/7 emergency service:

  1. Extinguish the flame.
  2. Open all windows and doors.
  3. Close the main fire tap.
  4. Do not use switches and phones.
  5. Prevent the use of electric bells.
  6. Do not smoke.
  7. The lights can only be turned on when you no longer detect the smell of gas.
  8. Call an authorized contractor or your distributor as soon as possible.
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The location of the gas storage facility is determined in accordance with the LPG Regulation – Official Journal of the Republic of Slovenia, No. 22/91.

Related files:

  • Introductory inspection
    The introductory inspection of the gas storage tank is carried out by the periodic inspection body as part of the process of putting new equipment under pressure into use and taking it over for inspection. After the inspection, it draws up a catalogue of measures and sets up a programme of periodic inspections.
  • Regular external inspection – every 2 years.
    This inspection, carried out by the inspection body at the facility, determines the state of use, inspects the safety and other equipment of the gas storage tank and the state of the place of its installation.
  • Regular internal inspection – every 5 years.
    This inspection checks the condition of the gas storage tank interior: condition of welded joints, jacket, reinforcements, etc. If an internal inspection is not feasible, an external inspection, strength test and sheet thickness measurements may be carried out instead.
  • Regular pressure test – every 10 years
    A regular pressure test shall be carried out every 10 years, or until the end of the 10th year after the first pressure test or the last internal inspection.
    A successful completion of the regular inspection is a prerequisite for continued use of the gas storage tank.
  • “Older gas” storage tanks
    Gas storage tanks manufactured before the current regulations on inspection and testing of pressurized equipment came into force must be inspected according to the schedule specified when the operating license was issued. This schedule is usually shorter than the schedule required for newer tanks.
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Reporting gas meter readings

We all want to stay in control of household costs. To reduce the differences between billed and actual gas consumption, we suggest regular, monthly transmission of gas meter readings. This will help you to reconcile your payments with your actual consumption and avoid a discrepancy in your annual gas billing.

Report your gas meter reading in the last five days of the current month:

  • via the MojPlin portal – the MojPlin user portal allows you to quickly and easily enter your meter balance, be reminded to enter your consumption, view your readings and monthly consumption, view your invoices and see the status of open items.
  • to the e-mail address:
  • by post by submitting the Gas Meter LPG Inventory Form (postage paid).to the postal address: Plinarna Maribor d.o.o., Plinarniška ulica 9, 2000 Maribor

Sporočanje odčitkov plinskega števca

The reading must be true and reflect the actual state of the gas meter. If you report your reading before the last day of the current month, the estimated consumption will be calculated for the remaining days until the end of that month.


  • In writing, by post to your home mailbox
  • Electronically, to the email address you have provided – order an eInvoice

Ways to receive your invoice

  • In writing, by post to your home mailbox
  • Electronically, to the email address you have provided – order an eInvoice
  • via the MojPlin portal
  • by completing the Request to receive invoices in electronic form, which should be sent to the following e-mail address:, or to the following postal address: Plinarna Maribor d.o.o., Plinarniška ulica 9, 2000 Maribor
  • by logging in to your chosen online bank
  • by activating it in your mBills mobile wallet

Invoice complaint

You can make a complaint until the due date of the invoice and send the complaint to the following e-mail address: or to the following postal address: Plinarna Maribor d.o.o., Plinarniška ulica 9, 2000 Maribor.

Ways to pay your invoice

Commission-free bill payments are available at the City Cashier of the Municipality of Maribor – Main Bus Station, Mlinska Street 1 in Maribor.

  • Payment of invoices without commission at the City Cashier’s Office of the Municipality of Maribor – Main Bus Station, Mlinska ulica 1 in Maribor –
    Payment method: cash only, up to the value of €1,500
  • Via Direct Debit
  • With a universal payment order at banks and post offices
  • Via electronic banking

Tips for energy-saving heating – wise savings

Check recommendations for efficient and economical heating in your household. By following them, you can make significant savings in energy consumption and costs.

General terms and legislation

Liquefied petroleum gas price lists

Liquefied petroleum gas prices

Check the retail price list of liquefied petroleum gas for sale in the gas storage tank or for consumption by gas meter.

Retail price list of liquefied petroleum gas – sale to gas storage tank

*The price list is valid from February 11, 2025 until further notice.

Price excluding VAT* Price including VAT (22%) Price including VAT (22%) with cash payment
LPG – PROPANE 1.2653 €/liter 1.5436 €/liter 1.4974 €/liter
LPG – BUTANE-PROPANE 1.2795 €/liter 1.5610 €/liter 1.5142 €/liter

*The price includes a statutory environmental tax and a statutory contribution for increasing energy efficiency, as well as a contribution for the production of electricity from renewable energy sources and high-efficiency cogeneration.

Extraordinary gas delivery

Retail price: €122/transport

Transport up to 500 l

Retail price: €61.00/transport

*Prices are valid from November 11, 2014.

Terms of payment

Cash payment – cash price:

  • Cash
  • Payment cards

Installment payment – Non-cash price applies when paying in several instalments

Retail price list of liquefied petroleum gas – consumption by gas meter

*The price list is valid from February 1, 2025 until further notice.

Gas type Method of delivery Price excluding VAT* Price including VAT (22%)
LPG – PROPANE (for heating) per gas meter €4.2869/m3 €5.2300/m3

*The price includes a statutory environmental tax and a statutory contribution for increasing energy efficiency, as well as a contribution for the production of electricity from renewable energy sources and high-efficiency cogeneration.

User charge – gas storage tanks

*Price list valid from 1 May 2021 until cancellation.

Volume USER CHARGE in €/month
Price excluding VAT VAT (22%) Price including VAT (22%)
up to 4000 l 4,0000 0,8800 4,8800
over 4000 l 4,0000 0,8800 4,8800
Volume USER CHARGE in €/month
price Vat TOTAL
up to 4000 l 4,0000 0,8800 4,8800
over 4000 l 4,0000 0,8800 4,8800

*Underground gas storage tank including manhole and cathodic protection.

Metering fee with TDS

Gas meter type TDS* Metering fee Price excluding VAT

(TDS + metering fee)

Price including VAT (22%)
Mechanical up to G 10 0,0939 1,2394 1,3333 1,6266
Mechanical over G 10 0,0939 8,1580 8,2519 10,0673
Turb. and rot. with corr. 0,0939 58,2332 58,3271 71,1591
Turb. and rot. without corr. 0,0939 38,2031 38,2970 46,7223
Underground tank
Gas meter type TDS* Metering fee Price excluding VAT

(TDS + metering fee)

Price including VAT (22%)
Mechanical up to G 10 0,4273 1,2394 1,6667 2,0337
Mechanical over G 10 0,4273 8,1580 8,5853 10,4741
Turb. and rot. with corr. 0,4273 58,2332 58,6605 71,5658
Turb. and rot. without corr. 0,4273 38,2031 38,6304 47,1291

*Transport and distribution costs

Related files

Read more about lpg in bulks

Termination of a gas storage tank use/lease contract

Contacts for LPG customers

For further information, we are happy to help:

  • Customer Service: +3862 22 843 00 – from MON to FRI from 9.00 to 11.00 and from 12.00 to 15.00
  • at the following email address:
  • at the postal address: Plinarna Maribor d.o.o., Plinarniška ulica 9, 2000 Maribor
  • in person at the Plinarna Maribor headquarters – by prior arrangement

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If you need any information and assistance on how to use our products, feel free to contact us

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